I hate it when people use the term “real job” to describe a certain type of employment. Like, what do people even mean when they say this? If some jobs are “real jobs,” are the rest of the jobs out there “fake jobs?” How about “unreal jobs?” “Pretend jobs?”
I’ve sometimes asked people to describe what they meant by “real job” and each time, without exception, the person found themselves at a loss for words. Being full-time seemed to have something to do with it, but not all full-time jobs were “real jobs.” Paying out a lot of money also seemed to make certain kinds of jobs “real,” but that wasn’t the whole story. Was a “real job” one where you took your responsibilities seriously? Not really, since I know a lot of people who don’t take their so-called “real jobs” seriously at all. Or was it a job that leads to a bigger career? That description falls short too, Continue reading