Erochikan Zines


I started the Erochikan zines a few years ago to satirize How-To pamphlets and make fun of corporate culture.  The name comes from the ero in erotic and the Japanese word chikan, a pervert who gropes women on crowded subways.  These guides provide step-by-step instructions for how to bully the people around you in socially acceptable ways, blame your shortcomings on others, and in general become more arrogant—all without a lot of pesky effort!


Erochikan Zine #3 – Combatting Life’s Challenges with Learned Helplessness

Life is tough, and turning your dreams into reality involves a lot of hard work that might very well be wasted if things don’t work out.  Isn’t it better, then, to sit back, relax, and complacently find contentment in the mediocrity of your current life?

This pamphlet outlines the psychologist Martin Seligman’s research into learned helplessness as a natural way of responding to setbacks and shows readers how to embrace the mindset that there’s nothing whatsoever they can do to make their situation better. Illustrated with superficially appealing stock photos and inspiring captions.

18 pages, color. Click here to order.



Erochikan Zine #2 – Attaining Social Dominance Through Passive Aggressive Behavior

We all know that fighting and name-calling won’t win you many brownie points in the adult world, so wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to put people down without them calling you out?  Now there is!

This simple guide teaches you the ins and outs of being passive-aggressive, with examples of how to use subtly demeaning language, one-up people’s stories with better stories of your own, coolly slide your own achievements into conversation, and more!

18 pages, color. Click here to order.



Erochikan Zine #1– Using Electronic (E-)Mail

One from the vaults!  This re-issued guide from the early ‘90s (Author’s Note: Not really, I put it out in 2016) walks businesspeople and middle managers through the confusing new technology known as e-mail.  Readers will learn useful business e-mail phrases like utilize and throw someone under the bus, why you should always end your emails with “Thanks” even if the person hasn’t done anything, and how to sneakily CC the boss to keep employees on their toes!

Illustrated with a plethora of early ‘90s pics, this early Erochikan pamphlet captures a snapshot from our culture’s work history that you won’t want to miss!

10 pages, B&W. Click here to order.


In all seriousness, if you enjoy The Day Job Blog and want to support me in some way, buying a zine or two is a great way to help me out while getting a hard copy of something cool in return.  Plus, every order serves as a huge confidence boost and moves me that much closer to supporting myself through my writing.

Also, I’m pretty sure you’ll find them genuinely funny ;-)