Author: Ian

My Boss Was Crooked! Part VII: The Company Disappeared Me!

When we left off in Part VI I’d secured a new job and was waiting for the perfect time to give my notice—but I was also feeling guilty about abandoning my cause to make things better in my shitty work environment.  A lot of my coworkers were still having a rough time, and I knew I had to do something about it.

If you missed any of the earlier episodes you can get caught up here.

The day I quit was pretty anticlimactic.  I messaged the boss with my resignation letter giving two weeks’ notice and explaining that I’d taken a teaching job in Japan and needed time to prepare for my trip.  I also made sure to mention that the new job provided benefits such as sick days as a not-so-subtle jab at the boss’s stinginess.

In my letter I spelled out that I expected the company to pay me for my two unused vacation days, since this was laid out in the handbook, and I quoted the relevant sections as evidence.  I’d talked to a few other coworkers who’d left the company without being paid for their unused vacation time—they didn’t know the handbook policy and hadn’t bothered to ask, so I wasn’t taking any chances in case the boss decided to conveniently forget about his own handbook rules. Continue reading »

My Boss Was Crooked! Part VI: Throwing in the Towel

In Part V the boss fought back against our earlier victories by avoiding the issues and sending intimidating messages to my Chinese coworkers.  (If you missed any previous chapters you can find them all here.)  I felt drained, defeated, and increasingly hopeless, and still hadn’t heard back about the job in Japan. 

In the midst of all this, the opportunity to make a quick two grand buying a Mercedes to ship to China seemed like a good one…

Buying the Mercedes for my coworker’s acquaintance seemed simple enough: all I had to do was meet him, pick up a cashier’s check for the cost of the car, then visit the dealership pretending to be interested in a specific model and features.  The dealership would also make me sign a No-Export agreement stating I wasn’t selling the car to a foreign country—but hey, how were they ever going to know?

I started planning my act: I’d come dressed in a suit with no tie like I’d seen douchebag businessmen wear, then spin a story that my wife and I had been through a fight and it was either buy her a Mercedes or get a divorce.  (That was the kind of thing douchebag businessmen did when their wives got mad at them, right?) Continue reading »

My Boss Was Crooked! Part V: The Boss Strikes Back

When I left off in Part IV my friends and I had managed to sort out some nasty tax tricks the boss was pulling and I’d argued a hard bargain in favor of sick days for everyone in the company.  (If you missed the earlier chapters, check them out here for the full story!)

Though my second 2+ hour meeting with the boss had gone a lot better than the first, it still left me unhinged: in exchange for not going to the IRS, I’d agreed to bargain with him for better working conditions, including paid sick days and consistent rules for employee raises.  Now the ball was in his court.

Initially, the boss had claimed that he hadn’t realized that paid sick days were an important benefit because most Chinese companies don’t offer them…though I later found both this article and this one suggesting otherwise.  He also expressed concern that employees might abuse paid sick time, since he claimed to have had problems with employees taking overly long lunches in the past.  Once again, though, I never found any employees Continue reading »

My Boss Was Crooked! Part IV: Showdown

When I left off in Part III my coworkers and I had become enmeshed in a web of labor violations, broken promises, and unfair treatment of workers that had grown too big to ignore.  If you missed the opening misadventures you can start with Part I here.

The boss had just offered Kyle a second 1099 contract that we definitely now knew was illegal—the only question was what to do about it.  After Kyle’s meeting we held a quick powwow in my office and I could tell how worried he was, not only because of the legal issues, but because he felt singled out as the only worker at the company being paid on a 1099.  We needed a plan, and we needed one fast.

First thing the next day, we decided, I would message the boss informing him about the tax laws and giving him a chance to change Kyle’s contract.  We decided Continue reading »

My Boss Was Crooked! Part III: A Laundry List of Terrible

Part I of this series covered how I came to work for a crooked online retailer, while in Part II I started noticing that things weren’t quite right with how the company handled its employees, especially when it came to overtime pay…

WARNING: This chapter contains a LOT of specific incidents, but rather than make cuts I’ve decided to include the full list, both for completeness and because some readers might find them relevant to their own workplaces.  Feel free to skim—the point is that at the company a lot of sketchy shit started happening really quickly!

In January I took a ten-day trip to India, an experience that was both an eye-opening look at a new culture and a much-needed break after the gut-wrenching grind of the holidays.  Months before, I’d gotten the boss’s approval to use both unpaid days and two of my five yearly vacation days for the trip, but after I got back things took an unexpected turn… Continue reading »

My Boss Was Crooked! Part II: Something’s Fishy About the Company Overtime Policy

When I left off in Part I I’d picked up a low-stress Day Job working for an online retailer and hooked my brother Kyle and my friend Stu up with jobs at the same company.  I was still keeping mostly to myself since it was only a Day Job and I had more important things to worry about…

One thing I forgot to mention is that in addition to keeping the names of the boss, his company, and everyone who worked there a secret, to further protect the identities of my former coworkers I’ll be masking their genders by using all male pronouns (he, him, his).  So anytime you see “he” in this series the person could very well be a woman….or it could be a man.  The only exception will be the boss’s wife, since she was involved with some seriously uncool stuff and there’s no need to disguise their relationship ;-) Continue reading »

My Boss Was Crooked! Part I: How My Friends and I Came to Work for a Shady Online Retailer

From June 2017 to April 2018 I worked at a No-Longer Secret Office Day Job where I wrote ad copy and managed inventory for a small online electronics shop that routinely broke labor and tax laws and did some pretty serious discriminating.  I discovered this over the course of several months, and when things reached a breaking point my friends and I decided to take action.  That’s what this series is about.

I don’t mean to write this as a formal whistleblowing complaint (I took care of that already!), but more as a personal narrative that I hope you (yes, you!) the reader can learn from, since labor and tax laws are pretty complicated and it can be hard to know when you’re being taken advantage of.  Whether your job is your passion, a Day Job, or somewhere in between, making sure our workplaces are fair and legal Continue reading »

Notes From Japan! (or, Crazy Things I’ve Done in the Past Month!)

Yep, I’m in Japan.

Quick catch-up for those of you just joining the blog: back in the spring I accepted a teaching job with the JET program in the Japanese public school system, and three weeks ago I waved goodbye to New Hampshire and hello to amazing Toyama prefecture, a mountainous region on the Sea of Japan coast.

What was the transition like, you ask?  Well, here’s a rundown of the last 3+ weeks… Continue reading »

Last Post in America! (For a While, Anyway)

It’s been a CRAZY few weeks since July started and I realized I had LESS THAN A MONTH before Japan to pack up my entire apartment and finish the novel and cancel all my utilities AND finish up a bunch of miscellaneous writing projects AND bring my Japanese up to par—so yeah, I’ve been pretty busy.

Having so much to do has partly been good, since it’s kept me insanely focused most days and pushed me to get more done…though the downside is that it’s also causing me a lot of stress and led to a lot of mad scrambling as I second-guess myself about what needs to be done and in which order.

So with a week before my flight, here’s a report card-style progress report of Continue reading »

I Spent a Bunch of Money on Pens and I Don’t Regret It At All

Many of you reading this know that I’ve carried the same blue medium-sized style Bic pen in my pocket since high school.  It’s hands-down my preferred writing implement for both creative work and all those little notes and lists I tend to write in my daily life (though not for Day Job-related tasks, as I talked about last summer).

I keep a handful of fancier pens I use for special notes or formal occasions, though for regular writing, I just plain feel better using something familiar.  I love the weight of these pens, their simple style, the way their blue ink stands out against printed black type when marking drafts, and even the way I can cleanly slide their caps off with one hand. Continue reading »

July Novel Update: Deadline Met…Almost!

One of my friends recently described this blog as a chronicle of projects I’m trying to get done and how outside problems keep getting in the way.

Yeah, I get that.

If you’ve been following my Novel Update series you might recall that I’ve ALMOST finished a workable Fifth Draft of my novel about grad school life in the Midwest, and that this draft is especially important because it’ll be be the first one that’s finished enough to actually show people.  Since I leave for Japan at the end of July, a few weeks ago I set a self-imposed deadline of finishing the Fifth Draft by July 1st so I’d have time to Continue reading »

My Weeklong Return to Online Test-Grading and Why It Still SUCKS

So last week I briefly mentioned that I’d signed on to a week (five and a half days, to be exact) at my old Secret Work-From-Home Day Job grading standardized test essays.  The chance to pick up extra hours arrived conveniently in my inbox six or so weeks ago because I’m still on the company’s mailing list, and at the time I figured, what the hell—I could always use the extra cash, and a week of test-grading wouldn’t set me too far behind, right?

*Cue ominous music here* Continue reading »