When we left off in Part VI I’d secured a new job and was waiting for the perfect time to give my notice—but I was also feeling guilty about abandoning my cause to make things better in my shitty work environment. A lot of my coworkers were still having a rough time, and I knew I had to do something about it.
If you missed any of the earlier episodes you can get caught up here.
The day I quit was pretty anticlimactic. I messaged the boss with my resignation letter giving two weeks’ notice and explaining that I’d taken a teaching job in Japan and needed time to prepare for my trip. I also made sure to mention that the new job provided benefits such as sick days as a not-so-subtle jab at the boss’s stinginess.
In my letter I spelled out that I expected the company to pay me for my two unused vacation days, since this was laid out in the handbook, and I quoted the relevant sections as evidence. I’d talked to a few other coworkers who’d left the company without being paid for their unused vacation time—they didn’t know the handbook policy and hadn’t bothered to ask, so I wasn’t taking any chances in case the boss decided to conveniently forget about his own handbook rules. Continue reading